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Kayleen Holt, Instructional Design and Curriculum Development Consultant… I’ve known Gregg for about a year and a half, but his warm, genuine, and amiable nature makes it seem as if we’ve been old friends for a long time. The company hired him as a consultant for his subject matter expertise in public works and emergency management, and he provided outstanding expert input on these subjects. We also discovered his talent as a public speaker and put him to work recording audio narrations for the web-based course we were working on together at the time. We have subsequently hired him to help with four additional courses. Gregg’s dynamic, engaging personality shines through when he speaks, even over a telephone. Although I’ve never been seated in an audience to one of his inspirational messages, he is the type of person who gives them in everyday conversations, and his ever-positive disposition and caring heart enrich the lives of those who come in contact with him. I highly recommend Gregg as a motivational and inspirational speaker, a subject matter expert, and an all-around great guy.

Josh Kay, CEcD…Gregg is an outstanding individual who deeply cares about the people around him. His personal and professional guidance in Clinton allowed me to grow and develop into the Manager that I am today.

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